Thursday, June 17, 2010

BP OIl - Mystery Packages on the seabed UPDATE

More pictures have been posted of the mystery packages near the oil leak.  All pictures are available here:

I even have screen shots disproving that rampant theory of flames shooting out of the BOP.  ;o)

I'll continue to take screen captures in the hopes of finding that one specific identifying piece that we need.
I really would love to hear some theories about these packages - what do you think they are?   

If you couldn't care less about the leak or these packages or the 4000 ft of pipe and hose......

In the latest batch of pictures - I've also included a lot of pics of the fish (AND SQUID!!) that were viewable on the ROV's trip back to the bottom.  The ROV operators were clearly enjoying the show as well.  They stopped several times - they turned the lights off, waited 30 seconds or so and would turn them back on...and there'd be just tons of fish!  The best was when the squid came over to inspect the ROV - they did the light thing again and they got a great screen capture of the squid freaking out (they stopped the cam for a brief second).  I sadly, did not get that shot - in my excitement, I hit something the flipped my screen sideways. :o(  I did get shots before hand and caught another squid later on.  It made me feel good to know that humans who liked fish are operating the ROV - so maybe there is hope after all!!  :o) 

But SHOULD be caring about what's happening with this leak.  It's not going to get better any time soon :o( (and it just may get a LOT worse!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

BP OIl - Mystery Packages on the seabed

Around 4 am, the Canyon Offshore TXLS-09 cam started showing us 10 mysteriously wrapped packages attached to a line of some sort.  Following the line from right to left - it begins under the seabed, goes up in an arc, comes down and into the seabed and then the line heads up toward the surface.

This afternoon, the Canyon Offshore V-01 cam spent quite a bit of time going up and down the line.  It really seemed interested in the 5th package (counting left to right). It also focused on the area between #4 and #5 and then between #5 & #6.

The straps binding the covering have "Made in USA" written on them.  One strap, I believe on #7, says "L 6,000 LB".  These straps all have metal buckles and are cinched tightly over the canvas - which look to also have zippers on them.  The packages are different shapes and a few look to contain something yellow.

You can find screen captures here:

Pictures will continue to be added as the cams revisit the area.
Pictures showing 3 wide are from early morning - and the Canyon cam is the last one.
Pictures showing 2 wide were taken this afternoon - the V-01 cam is the bottom left one.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Oil Leak dots....

A few Halliburton & NWO links to the oil leak:


James T. Hackett
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Hackett was named Chief Executive Officer of the Company in December 2003, and Chairman of the Board of the Company in January 2006. He also served as President of the Company from December 2003 to February 2010. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Hackett was the President and Chief Operating Officer of Devon Energy Corporation from April 2003 to December 2003, following Devon's merger with Ocean Energy, Inc. Mr. Hackett was Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Ocean Energy, Inc. from March 1999 to April 2003 and was Chairman of the Board from January 2000 to April 2003. He served as Chief Executive Officer and President of Seagull Energy Corporation from September 1998 until March 1999 and as Chairman of the Board from January 1999 to March 1999 prior to its merger with Ocean Energy.  He is a director of Fluor Corporation and Halliburton Company and serves as Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. He is the former Chairman of Houston Grand Opera, Campaign Chairman and a member of the Board, and serves as Vice Chairman of the Board (and as Finance Chairman) of the Baylor College of Medicine, and on the Boards of the Business Roundtable, and the Trilateral Commission. He is an Adjunct Professor at Rice University.

If anyone has the time - all of the board should be looked into and all of the listed companies.  A former Congressman, a woman from EDS, Mr. Fluor from Fluor.


Reported 3/31/10  Goldman Sachs sells BP stock in first qtr. (this wont' come through well, but in case it gets pulled down)

Institution Name     Shs Held     Shs Chg     %Chg     $Chg*     %Out     %Port     Rpt Date
Goldman Sachs Asset Management (US)     6,025,387     -4,680,822     -43.7     -276,770,112     0.0     0.4     03-31-10

I'm still digging - but hope others can add to my list?

Connecting the dots....

My brain is reaching it's melting point...there is so much going on around the world that I can't process it anymore.  I'm just gonna list the current things on my radar.  I don't have any answers or theories, I just know that something is going on, and it's NOT good!

What do these people know that we don't?

29 May 2010: Nepalese Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal
[link to]
31 May 2010: German President Horst Koehler
[link to]
1 June 2010: Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama
[link to]
Deposed Kyrgyzstan President Bakiyev Leaves Country, Resigns
[link to]
Brown resigns as UK prime minister
[link to]
Italy's Prime Minister Resigns over Foreign Policy
[link to

The Middle East is a powder keg...and it looks like at least two matches have been lit.

Israel and the Turkish aid Flotilla, Israel - media blackout on all US protests of the event....even after CNN covered the one on Times Square live.  Within an hour, they removed all articles on the event.  Only ONE article is to be found:  Hundreds protest in Times Sq. after Israeli attack 

Turkey isn't giving up and another flotilla is on it's way to Gaza.  This is putting the US in a very precarious position.  We're friend with both sides - with 2 wars underway, we NEED our Turkish bases and we NEED our Israeli "friends". 

Now Israel positioning submarines around Iran and Iran is NOT happy!

Israel Stations (Potentially) Nuclear Submarines off Iran

Gawker - 2 days ago
Iran is widely believed to be working towards its own nuclear weapon. Gulp. [Times] Send an email to Ravi Somaiya, the author of this post, ...
Iran warns Israel against deploying subs- Press TV
Israel sends nuclear missile equipped submarines to Iran- Ya Libnan

Iran backs the Palestinians - Turkey is backing the Palestinians - Israel is fighting with Turkey - Israel is ready to fight Iran.  Israel is also known to bomb Lebanon to get Hamas.

The US has been upping anti-Iranian propaganda for the last year - same script as Afghanistan and Iraq...substituting Nuclear Weapons for Al-Queda. 

Fighting & bombing is increasing in Afghanistan and Iraq.  The US has quietly added Pakistan areas into the war - one offensive attack at a time.  We've also quietly switched from fighting Al Queda to fighting the Taliban.  

On the home front - for all intents and purposes our country is bankrupt.  Everything that's happening is nothing but smoke and mirrors to keep people from realizing just how in trouble we are.  

The international bankers are scrambling to keep the entire planetary economy from crashing.  I think they under estimated the cascading effect of destroying the US economy...they should have started smaller.  The good news is that once everything finally collapses - the only way to go is up!  So just let it all go and let's start rebuilding rather than keep trying to plug the leaks.  I'm personally hoping for one more increase of the stock market, so I can cash out my 401k's.  I really regret not doing it last month when I thought about it.  :o(  

But mark my words - the economy IS going to fail.  Money will become all but worthless.  If you've got it - spend it now.  Stock up your house with necessities and non-perishable food while it's still affordable.  Worst case scenario - I'm wrong and you'll not have to buy TP or canned produce for a while.

If you like fish - get it while you still can.  Anything normally stocked from the Gulf is gone.  Replacements from the rest of the world will jump in price soon.  How long it takes BP to stop the flow, will determine how many years before fishing can recover and how wide spread the effects will be.  And WTF is taking BP so long to fix this leak??   Maybe it's that their primary concern isn't on stopping the flow but on recovering the oil so they can sell it?  Seriously - when the first thing you do is strart drilling "recovery" wells the intent is pretty clear.  Every attempt at actually stopping the leak has been lame even to non-experts.  

Speaking of about this timeline:


4/20/10 - The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig that exploded April 20 sank two days later in water 4,992 feet deep. And the rig's ruptured well extends from the seafloor into the Earth's crust an additional 13,293 feet.
4/22/10 - The oil rig Deepwater Horizon sank April 22, 2010 off the coast of Louisiana resulting in 11 persons missing of the 126 on board. BP was completing a new oil well at the time, and was constructing a layer of cement in the well to reinforce it which resulted in the blowout.
Seriously?!?  HALLIBURTON?!?!   I find this too bizarre to be a coincidence.  Of course, we'll never be told the real story on why the rig exploded.  BP will be the scapegoat and will be forced out of business. brain just fizzled out.  There's a lot more for me to add.  Watch for Part II when I can think again....


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The Puzzle

OK...let's see if I can do this blog thing more often than once every couple of years. I doubt it - but what the heck.

The end of the world as we know it....I always thought 2012 was going to be when it happened. But I guess not...the end is not only already here but has been creeping in on us at a steady pace for years. My head spins with all the different bits and pieces of this treacherous being of change. Everything is upside down - truth is wrong, justice is evil, illegal is legal - and to speak against the new definitions means you're a lunatic. How did this happen to us? Why is it happening?

I've always thought that life is a giant jigsaw puzzle - everything is part of the puzzle. Religion, science, politics - all part of the big picture of the world. Life experiences, things learned from others, thoughts, ideas - all part of the big picture of life. Every day I discover yet another piece of the puzzle. Each piece makes the picture a bit clearer. Some pieces may change the picture completely - like the blind men and the elephant.....add a piece and the animal is different. But no matter how many times the picture changes - it still one more step toward the truth.

It used to be easy - no idea what the picture was, so every piece made sense. I knew the general area of the puzzle it belonged to. The sections were clear and stable. Lately, there are so many pieces flying at me and they don't like to fit where I think they should. Instead of fitting in neatly - it's like just one big jumbled mess of pieces...some making no sense, others fitting in here and here and over there. Sometimes I manage to fit a piece but then dozens of other sections of the puzzle are effected. Where I once had a pretty good idea of what I was looking at - I find I have no idea what it is anymore. Everything is so jumbled together. Nothing has it's own section anymore. Has it always been that way or has it all changed? Maybe it means I'm nearing the end of the puzzle? Chaos before order? Or is everything going from order into chaos?

I don't know what's happening - all I know is that is such a mess that I barely let myself think anymore. I put off working on the puzzle all to often. Instead I just let myself do nothing. This of course, is also part of the puzzle. The part where "they" want us to be overwhelmed, overworked, overstressed - "they" don't want us to see where this piece fits in the puzzle. And it does fit. It's a sneaky little piece though....because it's not just one piece. It fits in every section of the puzzle all at once. It's there to blind us - to keep us from seeing the picture and it even keeps us from seeing the empty spaces. At the same time - it can't be removed because it IS part of the puzzle. I think the key is to know it's there - but to not see it. It must be ignored or the puzzle can't be finished. It's such a beautiful piece - it calls to you. Like the Sirens calling to sailors - it wants you to come to it. When you stare at it - it blocks your mind. It tries to make you forget that there is a puzzle at all. The scariest thing about this piece - is that many people have found it but succombed to it's call, before ever knowing what it really is. Once this has's nearly impossible to get away from it's clutches. Even when you know what it is - it still calls for you and pulls at you. Don't think, don't worry, just look at me and life is good. You'll forget, it'll be just fine.

As other pieces pile up and get more and more confusing - the call of that one piece becomes harder to ignore. Each time you succomb to it - the harder it is to escape it's grasp. Then one day, you stop trying - it has you.

The victims of this piece no longer understand people who question life and the world around them. How can they not realize how IMPORTANT the Super Bowl is and why the winner of American Idol is CRUCIAL to society? Don't they know that only thing that should be on the news are the STARS!! Who cares how many people died in the war, or where the last bombing was, or what bills have become laws - that is all a stupid waste of time! You just no longer understand these nut jobs. The truthers, birthers and teabaggers need to get a life!

So far, the piece hasn't gotten me completely. It has beaten me in a few battles. It's call is getting more frequent and it's song is getting sweeter. I worry that I can't fight it much longer. I question whether the battles are even worth fighting anymore. Can you see that? It's winning.

Ever so slowly, it's creeping in and the insidious change is happening. But for today - I have beaten it. I still see the puzzle and I have a lot of pieces left to find.
